Customer satisfaction

Capture the definitive business metric

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After a customer service request is solved, Zendesk can automatically contact your customers to collect feedback on their satisfaction with the support received. It’s a quick and easy way for you to track customer satisfaction and reduce customer churn.

Wildfire loves it

“We wanted to evolve from simply responding to every service request to making sure that our customers are ecstatic with their interactions with Wildfire. Zendesk’s Customer Satisfaction Ratings measures how successful each of our customer service agents are in converting an engaged user into a long term advocate for our company.”

Victoria Ransom, CEO of Wildfire Interactive


  • Featured highlight

    Listen to Your Customers

    Collect feedback on your company’s customer service experience by allowing customers to rate the quality of support received. Monitor overall customer satisfaction and ensure you always delight your customers.

  • Featured highlight

    Identify and Resolve Issues Instantly

    Take instant action with customers who are not completely satisfied with the quality of support received. Apply business rules to customer service interactions that receive negative ratings so agents can address these issues immediately. Turn your harshest critics into loyal customers.

  • Featured highlight

    Gain insights into your support process

    View customer satisfaction metrics through out-of-the-box reports and dashboards and make quick and intelligent business decisions. Continuously improve processes to keep your customers happy.

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